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泉州市铭诚体育用品有限公司成立于2004年,为外商独资企业。公司旗下拥有多家海外分公司及优质工厂。主要以生产欧美及亚洲多国著名品牌休闲、运动鞋为主。随着目前鞋业发展形势,公司进行产品升级,研发更高档次的产品,如自行车鞋、保健鞋、乒乓球鞋等功能性强的鞋型。 我司已通过BSCI、KOHLS、BV、ESTMAS、SKECHERS等公司认证。整体服务及品质理念深得客户好评,并与客户之间达成长期稳定的战略合作伙伴关系。公司占地面积40余亩,拥有完整、科学、先进的研发中心及实验室,并配有完整的生产中心、仓储部以及配套设施齐全的宿舍楼、办公楼及职工休闲、娱乐中心等。公司综合商务大厦内含研发中心、会议中心、样品展销中心、客户办公楼、业务办公楼、智能化精致生产线等配套设施。 目前,公司拥有现代化的成型流水线6条(针车生产线32条),在职员工1000余人。公司以诚信、实力、优异的产品和人性化的管理模式获得业内人士的一致认可,有着长远的战略发展方向和高效优秀的管理精英团队。 Mingcheng Sports Products Co., Ltd. Quanzhou was established in 2004 which is a wholly foreign-owned enterprise. The company has a number of overseas branches and quality factories. Mainly to produce for Europe, the America and Asia famous brands of casual and sports shoes. With the development situation of footwear industry, the company is upgrading its products and developing higher grade products, such as bicycle shoes, health shoes, table tennis shoes and other functional shoes. Our company has passed the certification of BSCI, KOHLS, BV, ESTMAS, SKECHERS and so no. The overall service and quality concept is well received by customers, and the long-term stable strategic partnership with customers. The company covers an area of more than 40 mu, has a complete, scientific, advanced R & D center and laboratory, and is equipped with a complete production center, storage department and complete supporting facilities dormitory, office building and staff leisure, entertainment center. The comprehensive business building of the company includes r&d center, conference center, sample exhibition center, customer office building, business office building, intelligent exquisite production line and other facilities. At present, the company has 6 modern molding lines (stitiching production line 32), more than 1000 employees. With integrity, strength, excellent products and humanized management mode, the company has been recognized by the industry. It has a long-term strategic development direction and an efficient and excellent management elite team.

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